PTE Academic writing summarize written text sample practice passage 20

practice passages

PTE Academic writing summarize written text practice sample passages

PTE Academic writing summarize written text practice sample passages.Read the passage below and summarize it using one sentence. Type your response in the comment section at the bottom of the screen. You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points in the passage.

1,Elements are the building blocks of nature. Water, for example, is a compound consisting of the elements hydrogen and oxygen. Each element is a pure substance that cannot be split up into any simpler pure substance.The smallest particle of an element that can exist is an atom. An atom consists of subatomic particles. The most important of these are protons, which have positive electrical charges; electrons, which have negative electrical charges; and neutrons, which are electrically neutral.

2.A theory of the structure and behavior of atoms has taken more than two millenia to evolve, from the abstract musings of ancient Greek philosophers to the high-tech experiments of modern scientists. However, prior to the scientific revolution and the development of the scientific method starting in the 16th century, ideas about the atom were mainly speculative. It wasn’t until the very end of the 19th century that technology became advanced enough to allow scientists a glimpse of the atom’s constituent parts: the electron, nucleus, proton, and neutron.



PTE Academic writing summarize written text practice sample passages

3.Modern atomic theory is generally said to begin with John Dalton, an English chemist and meteorologist who in 1808 published a book on the atmosphere and the behavior of gases that was entitled A New System of Chemical Philosophy. Dalton’s theory of atoms rested on four basic ideas: chemical elements were composed of atoms; the atoms of an element were identical in weight; the atoms of different elements had different weights; and atoms combined only in small whole-number ratios, such as 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:3, to form compounds.

4.Since Thomson’s discovery of the electron in 1897, scientists had realized that an atom must contain a positive charge to counterbalance the electrons’ negative charge. In 1919, as a byproduct of his experiments on the splitting of atomic nuclei, Rutherford discovered the proton, which constitutes the nucleus of a hydrogen atom. A proton carries a single positive electrical charge, and every atomic nucleus contains one or more protons. Although Rutherford proposed the existence of a neutral subatomic particle, the neutron, in 1920, the actual discovery was made by English physicist James Chadwick, a former student of Rutherford, in 1932.

PTE Academic writing summarize written text practice sample passages

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2 thoughts on “PTE Academic writing summarize written text sample practice passage 20

  1. 1.For the formation of nature, elements are very important, these cannot be split into small particles but elements consist of atoms again atoms have protons, electrons, and neutrons.
    2.From the end of the 19th-century, atoms are taken to scientists experiments using advanced technology, to evolve abstract musings of greek philosophers to high experiments the structure and behavior of atoms were taken.
    3.The modern atomic theory was introduced by Dalton, he was the meteorologist,he was published the atmosphere and behavior of gasses, his theory involves with four ideas based on chemical elements and atoms with different ratios.
    4.After discovery of electron, scientists realized atoms have positive charge to balance the electrons negative charge because atoms consist of one or more protons which have positive electrical charge.

  2. Element is main component of The nature, smallest particle of the element called atom, it consist proton, electron, neutron having different electrical charges like positive, negative, neutral.

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