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PTE Academic listening summarize spoken text practice sample 1


PTE Academic listening summarize spoken text practice

You may get 2-3 summarize spoken text in exam.You will hear a short lecture.Write a summary of the lecture using 50-70 words.You will have 10 minutes to finish the task.

1.Listening Summarize spoken text task 1


Scientists are discovering that when you touch someone, you communicate very specific emotions such as sympathy, disgust, gratitude, or even love. The current issue of the scientific journal Emotion features a series of studies about touch. Reporter Michelle Trudeau touched base with the lead researcher.

Michelle Trudeau: Psychologist Matt Hertenstein from DePaul University in Green Castle, Indiana decided to study touch while he was watching parents interacting with their babies – making faces and cooing sounds, squeezing, stroking, nuzzling them.

Mr. Matt Hertenstein (DePaul University): And all of a sudden it struck me one day and I thought, you know, I wonder if touch can communicate distinct emotions, much like the face and the voice.

Michelle Trudeau: Decades of research has been done on the face and the voice and the distinct emotions that they communicate. But touch has been relatively neglected by researchers until Hertenstein stepped in and began his experiments.

Mr. Matt Hertenstein: We invited two participants into the lab. And we put a curtain up between those two people.

Michelle Trudeau: So they couldn’t see or hear each other. One participant, the sender, was told to try and communicate twelve different emotions, one by one, to the other participant, the receiver.

Mr. Matt Hertenstein: The receiver would put his or her arm underneath the curtain, on to the sender’s side.

Michelle Trudeau: The sender would then touch the receiver’s forearm, trying to communicate the specific emotion, such as envy, fear, love, embarrassment, anger, gratitude, pride, disgust. The receiver had to then decide which emotion was being communicated.

2.Listening Summarize spoken text task 2


About 20 years ago Kent Anger and Barry Johnson came up with 750 chemicals that could harm the brain during development. Nobody has since then dared to update that number, it’s just a guess today, there has to be more than a thousand if there was 750 twenty years ago. But the problem is also that we have put too little emphasis in this type of, uh, research.
For example, it has taken so far the OECD 10 years to devise a battery of tests that they could recommend for systematic testing of chemicals for developmental neurotoxicity. That panel, that battery, has not yet been completed and authorized by OECD so it’s taking way, way, way too long because it is complicated. But there is so much at stake.
Children are just losing IQ points and losing their concentration span, memory or motor functions. But in the present world where there’s so much emphasis on knowledge and brain functions this can also translate into dollars. The EPA has calculated that every time a child loses one IQ point because of chemical pollution it costs society something like $8,000 or $10,000.

PTE Academic listening summarize spoken text practice

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6 thoughts on “PTE Academic listening summarize spoken text practice sample 1

  1. Science has neglected touch as a way to express emotions until psychologist Matt Hertenstein decided to research on touch when he saw how parents play with their babies making distinct faces. He experimented with two people with a curtain between them so that they could not see or hear each other.The Receiver could feel love, envy, gratitude and other emotions by touch.

  2. Hi, here is my answer for the second item for your comments :

    Chemicals and their harmful effects to the human brain have been under-estimated for years for reasons such as complexity. Nowadays, children have to deal with concentration and memory problems which are also examples that damaging chemicals cause and thay may result in financial consequences for the society.

  3. practice 1
    answer-In this discussion,the speaker representsed the interaction of parents and babies with touch.

  4. The talk delineates a detailed picture regarding touch based emotions. First and foremost, we share many such emotions as sympathy, love and the like just by physically contacting another person. Moreover, speaker gives us a brief description of different studies and experiments. Hence, it is evident from the aforementioned information that the role of touch in exchanging emotions in instrumental indeed.

  5. Nowadays, there may be more than 1000 chemicals harming the brain development of the children. It takes 10 years for OECD to research the issue but no progress yet. At present, the harm on the memory and motor functions could be translated into dollars. It’s calculated by EPA that one child loses one IQ point may spend additional 8,000~10,0000 dollars social cost.

  6. Face motion and voice are useful conversation ways to communicate between human beings. Touch is suggested to be able to convey the emotions for communication too, which may include envy, fear, disgust, love, embarrassment, gratitude, anger and pride. Psychologist invites two participants to implement one test, where the sender will touch the arm of receiver, then receiver will explain what kind of emotion he can feel.

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