How to improve oral fluency in PTE Academic speaking

Tips for improving oral fluency in PTE Academic speaking

In exam be prepared, when to start recording and when to complete your response. You are not able to re-record your response. In addition, if you remain silent for more than three seconds, the microphone will close automatically.

Speaking item types require you to respond orally using fluent speech, correct intonation, stress and pronunciation that are easily understandable to most regular speakers of the language. PTE Academic recognizes regional and national varieties of English pronunciation to the degree that they are understandable to most regular speakers of the language.

Read aloud A text appears on the screen.Read the text aloud. Reading and speaking Text up to 60 words Varies by item, depending on the length of the text.
Repeat sentence After listening to a sentence, repeat the sentence.

Describe image An image appears on the screen.Describe the image in detail.

Re-tell lecture After listening to or watching a lecture, retell the lecture in your own words.

 Answer short question After listening to a question answer with a single word.

Re-tell lecture focus on academic subjects in the humanities natural science or social science. They contain characteristics of actual speech such as accents and dialects, fillers, hesitations, fall starts,self-correction and variation in delivery speed. Although you may not be familiar with the topics presented, all the information you need to answer the items is contained in the recordings.To improve oral fluency in PTE speaking and score higher in try tips below:

Improving oral fluency 

  • Grammar is the structure of the language and vocabulary holds the individual building blocks, so both are also essential to fluency.


  • Combining listening and reading with oral skills is a great way to improve your fluency. Read a newspaper or magazine article and then talk about it with friends. Watch a TV show or a movie or watch or listen to the news, and talk about it. Writing about a topic first is a useful way to get ready for talking or for discussion.


  • You can record your speech and listen to yourself to analyze how well you are doing and what you need to work on to improve your oral fluency. You can record your voice and compare with the model answers online.


  • You can practice reading out loud or practice fluency by speaking about various subjects, or telling a story, and recording yourself and listening to how well you did. You can also save your recordings to your computer.


  • Daily Practice-All these things are important in building oral fluency, but none are as important as taking the time to practice speaking. Practice and sharpen your oral fluency skills every day.


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