Computer and online gaming should be banned from students at school as they have no educational value

Computer and online gaming sample essay

With the advent of time, Computer gaming had occupied a special place in the daily routine of every youngster. Most teens are addicted to it. Many critics have presented their point of view on it. Many believed that digital gaming should be banned for school-going children. Further in the essay, we would discuss this.

The biggest merit of online gaming is that nowadays gamers are getting paid for their game streaming. Gamers with excellent skills and unique talent probably could earn in six figures. If games would be banned, students would not able to grow in this gaming industry.

From the context of “Every Rose Have Thorns”, Computer gaming have some non-negligible demerits. Heavy time wastage and addiction are one of them. Children are crazy about online gaming. This results into for less physical activities for them. They forget how to plays in the parks. These games also give a tremendously bad effect on their studies. Many gamers have more than ten hours of screen time in a day. These also result in obesity and other heart diseases.

Summing up everything stated so far, gaming is healthy for children as much as they are doing in a limited period and they are not mad for it. Authorities need to make special plans, rules, and regulations for the regulation of the timing. Schools and other educational institutes should arrange seminars and counseling for children who are addicted to it.

This is a sample essay from the student, submit your essay in the comment section for evaluation.


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