Tag: PTE Academic Speaking

PTE Academic listening fill in the blanks practice 9

PTE Academic listening fill in the blanks practice 9


PTE Academic listening fill in the blanks practice with answers   Audio 1 1.Four major charities services have called on the political parties to halve …………………………by 2025. According to census data from 2011, there are 100,000 homeless people in Australia – over 850 of which are in the Blacktown area. In a joint letter, four […]

PTE Academic writing summarize written text sample paragraphs 7

PTE Academic writing summarize written text sample paragraphs 7


READ THE PASSAGE BELOW AND SUMMARIZE IT USING ONE SENTENCE.  YOUR RESPONSE WILL BE JUDGED ON THE QUALITY OF YOUR WRITING AND ON HOW WELL YOUR RESPONSE PRESENTS THE KEY POINTS IN THE PASSAGE. Summarize written text 1.An important way in which science has changed people and made them more civilized is by making them […]

PTE Academic speaking describe image sample response 10

PTE Academic speaking describe image sample response 10

describe image

Describe image   Describe image sample response The presented picture illustrates a right angle triangle. The base is named as the adjacent represented as small case b, the elevation has been names small case a and the hypotenuse has been names as small case c. There is also a picture of a ‘funny’ looking hippopotamus […]

PTE Academic speaking describe image tips | Practice framework

PTE Academic speaking describe image tips | Practice framework

describe image tips

PTE Describe Image tips 1. Be familiar with types of image There are few kind of images that may appear in this section, so you need to get yourself familiar with it hence you will not go panic even if you encounter one. Imagine going for the same movie, again and again, boring huh? ok, […]

PTE Academic speaking describe image sample 8 with answers

PTE Academic speaking describe image sample 8 with answers

describe image sample

PTE Academic Speaking describe image Describe image sample response The bar graph illustrates the levels of sugars in seven various types of foods. It is immediately apparent that the chocolate bar contains maximum levels of sugars, while ketchup accounted for the least To begin, just over one third of sugar is present in chocolate bar, […]

PTE Academic speaking describe image practice sample 7

PTE Academic speaking describe image practice sample 7

describe image practice

PTE Academic Speaking describe image practice Describe image sample response The depict line graph illustrates the relationship of Number of students which is in 100s with different years (from 1982 to 2000) of prominent Asian countries who visit for the purpose of education. To begin, dramatic increase is noticed on the Indian visitors while significant drop […]

PTE Academic speaking describe image tips for easy explanation

PTE Academic speaking describe image tips for easy explanation

PTE Academic

PTE Describe image tips For people  who are facing hard time in describe image Practice is the Key. For describing an image. You should memorize the start up words like: This graph shows —– This picture shows —- This image reflects —- Keep in mind you just have to tell the key points of the […]

PTE Academic speaking describe image practice exercise 3

PTE Academic speaking describe image practice exercise 3

PTE Academic

PTE Academic describe image practice exercise-Images with answers   Sample response describe image This horizontal bar graph depicts various shopping methods which are the effect of the satisfaction of consumers. The survey conducted with a customer base of 500. The vertical axis displays the different shopping methods like local shops, internet, supermarket, and private shopping […]

PTE Academic speaking describe image sample 2

PTE Academic speaking describe image sample 2

PTE Academic

PTE Academic describe image with answers    Describe image sample responses 1.The graph explains the trend of UK visitors outbound and inbound to the UK from 1979 to 1999.As we see, the UK residents visit abroad was increased drastically from just over 10 million to around 50 million in these 20 years . And, at […]

PTE-Academic Useful Tips For Speaking Section

PTE-Academic Useful Tips For Speaking Section

PTE speaking tips for each exercise PTE Speaking is divided into 5 sections.Oral fluency and pronunciation are the two enabling skills tested in PTE speaking.There are many mistakes student make especially in Re-tell lecture and describe image.I have tried to explain scoring and tricks for each of them. have compiled practice tips for PTE speaking. […]

PTE Academic describe image sample

PTE Academic describe image sample

PTE Academic describe image sample answers for practice Sample Describe image answers The presented graph illustrates the annual fluctuation in the IPP price of diesel in the two comparative years 2005 & 2006. Its evidential from the spikes that prices went up in May in 2005 and in June in 2006. The prices continued to […]

PTE Academic Speaking Describe Images

PTE Academic Speaking Describe Images

PTE Academic Speaking Describe Images PTE Academic Speaking Describe Images. There are various types of charts. In the following example, we show the numbers of pets in Year 7 of a school. Types of describe images in PTE Academic speaking                                 […]

PTE Academic Speaking Read Aloud For Practice

PTE Academic Speaking Read Aloud For Practice

  PTE Academic Read Aloud Speaking Practice PTE read aloud samples for offline practice. Speak in a clear and natural tone. All questions are updated from recent exams. 1. History rubs shoulders and often overlaps with many other areas of research, from myths and epics to the social sciences, including economics, politics, biography, demography, and […]